Saturday, October 15, 2011

To farm or not to farm?

I love where I live.  It's a beautiful development with a rural feel to it.  A bit NE of Denver proper.  It's nice to come home to after a hectic day.  My neighbors are amazing.  We take care of each other.  Keep an eye on each other.  We are close enough to ride our bikes to the beautiful designated open space, and the golf course and the fairgrounds.  In the summer we can vaguely hear the fair itself.  Bands, people cheering, hot rods.  It's nice.  As a Realtor I wanted to make my own neighborhood my 1st choice to 'farm'.  I care about the people here and want their home buying/selling experience to be thoughtful.  In my coaching session my coach said..."well, ...I would not advise you to farm where you live AND I'd like you to confirm the percentage of sells in the last 3 years.  If they are over XX% then I think you can have a successful campaign".  My heart sunk.  I know she's absolutely right.  I haven't confirmed sales yet....but, I'm certain I'm going to do it regardless!  Stubborn?  Maybe.  I'd like to think...persistent.

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